All Things Fashion
From look books to storytelling, these are some of my favourite fashion books. Presenting collections, designs, illustrations, information, quotes and catwalk shows, these books are a must for a fashion lover.
This Autumn the Gilet has gained lots of attention, it can be seen around every shop corner and in every high street store, But the question is where did the garment come from?
‘When we hear the word ‘feminist’ we immediately think of women, yes the issue does surround women however we shoudln’t excuse men from the equation, how can we push for a world of equality and diversity without listening to different angles, communication troubles and have an understanding of what needs to change’
My Take on Everything Lifestyle
Finding the best Cafes in Norwich, from hanging out with friends to business meetings there’s a cafe for every occasion.
Making the right makeup decisions is a challenging task, use this guide to find the best products for your makeup bag.
Fashion History
Fashion Throughout Time
“Alexander Truly loved beauty and had exquisite, good taste but his ability to merge it with the macabre gave him an untouchable edge in fashion”
The truth is there is so many ways you can look at Toni Frissell work, if you can feel it when you look at it, then there really isn’t a wrong way to view it