Five Reasons Why:

Unify Magazine is a Game-Changer for Accessibility Advocacy

Unify Magazine was born from a heartfelt idea, aiming not only to transform the realm of creatives to think and produce more inclusive products but also to provide thought-provoking content for everyone despite their personal needs. Its core mission goes beyond simply addressing accessibility, it stands for much more.

At the beginning of this year, I set out on an educational adventure, delving deep into both primary and secondary research to gain a profound understanding of the accessibility challenges that exist. I actively sought out diverse perspectives on accessibility, recognizing the importance of gaining insights beyond my personal experiences. This approach was crucial because the barriers faced by individuals with accessibility needs were not a regular part of my daily life. To ensure the creation of an engaging and effective accessible magazine, it was imperative for me to comprehend accessibility from the ground up, as someone who hadn't encountered these obstacles firsthand.

So what did I learn?

Well, it wasn’t easy but with some extensive research, I identified five specific areas that I aimed to address within my magazine: dyslexia, ADHD, autism, visual impairment, and mental illness. Surprisingly, these seemingly diverse areas shared common elements making it clear to me that this was the direction I had to proceed in. It was fascinating to uncover the simple changes that can be made to provide a more accessible experience for everyone.

On the back of this research, I found 5 Clear ways to curate an accessible magazine:

Enhancing Sensory Experience:

Many individuals living with accessible barriers have heightened senses. Unify Magazine caters to this by incorporating a range of paper types that offer a tactile dimension to the reading experience. From rough, thick and speckled to smooth and glossy, with every page you turn your senses are ignited.

Clarity and Visual Accessibility:

I had this wild idea that our magazine should be this explosion of bold, dazzling colours. But guess what? Life had other plans. Through some trial and error (and a bunch of focus groups), I discovered that the simpler, more muted vibes work like a charm. Turns out, when we keep things neat on the design front the consumer can breathe easy and soak in the goodness without feeling like they're stuck in a visual whirlwind.

Alternative Forms of Communication:

Coming from someone who is dyslexic I know from first-hand experience that Written text isn't always the most effective mode of communication specifically for my target consumer. Unify Magazine offers audio options through QR codes and braille inserts placed at every article, allowing readers to engage with content without having to even read an article. This simple change relieves the consumer of pressure to keep up, making the reading experience all that much more enjoyable.

Engagement and Focus:

People with diverse accessibility needs sometimes find it a bit tricky to stay engaged. This is a challenge I tackled head-on with Unify, and it wasn’t exactly easy. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all solution when curating content. We're all wonderfully unique and crafting the perfect content for everyone felt impossible. So, I decided to diversify my content strategy. I teamed up with outstanding brands, creative talents, and emerging stars to provide a range of content curated by everyone for anyone. One memorable example was the strawberry picnic shoot with fashion student Mollie Green. It was a captivating blend of fashion photography and innovative styling that weaved a fresh wave of creativity into Unify's content.

Going beyond just a magazine

Creating Unify made me acutely aware of the declining status of traditional publications. I realized that this mission is far greater than just one magazine. It holds significance beyond the pages. That's why I decided to bridge the magazine with my blog. When you scan the QR code, you not only gain access to audio readings but also step into a fresh realm of innovative and accessible content only available through the publication. I intended to extend the magazine's reach beyond its role as a publication. I aimed to build a thriving community, a place where people could come together, share, and innovate.

Unify Magazine is more than words on paper; it's a testament to the power of inclusivity and innovation. It's an ongoing journey to break barriers and create a space where everyone can thrive, learn, and connect. From enhancing sensory experiences with diverse paper types to ensuring visual clarity, offering alternative forms of communication through audio content, and fostering engagement for all, Unify Magazine has emerged as a testament to the power of innovation in inclusivity. But the journey doesn't end here; it's just the beginning. In my upcoming posts, ill delve deeper into the world of accessible content, sharing insights, stories, and experiences that continue to shape the Unify Magazine vision. So, stay tuned for much more exciting content to come.


Why Aren't Magazines Accessible?


Breaking Barriers: